It has been just over two years since the revival of the BC Chapter of WCT, and we'd like to thank the board directors, volunteers, mentors, mentees, speakers, facilitators, attendees, sponsors and partners for making it happen. It has been fantastic, and WCT BC is looking forward to continuing the work in 2020.

As WCT BC hits the two-year mark of the chapter restart, a few of the directors have reached the end of their term and have decided to step down. We'd like to thank them for their commitment and effort during these years, and for being part of getting the chapter up and running again. It has been great working with and getting to know you. We look forward to seeing you at future events.

As WCT BC reaches the end of 2019, we'd like to look back and reflect on what we've accomplished. In the last year, WCT BC has organized:
- Three speed mentoring events funded by the Discovery Foundation
- Two Women in Debate events
- Three workshops
We've also partnered with other organizations to participate in, and support, events that align with WCT BC's vision and values.

Visit WCT BC's Regional Chapter page to learn more about the work they are doing, and upcoming events.